Channel: Heike Mildenberger – Set Theory Talks
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Workshop on Iterated Forcing and Large Cardinals, November 12-16, 2012

This workshop will take place at the Fields institute, as a part of the 2012 Thematic Program on Forcing and its Applications. Organizing Committee: Michal Hrusak Saharon Shelah W. Hugh Woodin Show Schedule Monday November 12 9:00-9:50 Tadatoshi Miyamoto (Nanzan University) A study of iterating semiproper forcing 10:00-10:50 David Aspero (Technische Universitaet Wien) 10:50-11:10 Coffee Break 11:10-12:00 Ralf Schindler (WWU Münster) An axiom LUNCH 15:00-15:50 Matteo Viale (University of Torino) Absoluteness of theory of 16:10-17:00 John Krueger (University of North Texas) Forcing with Models as Side Conditions Tuesday November 13 9:00-9:50 Tadatoshi Miyamoto (Nanzan University) A study of iterating semiproper forcing 10:00-10:50 Itay Neeman (University of California, Los Angeles) Higher analogs of the proper forcing axiom 10:50-11:10 Coffee Break 11:20-12:10 Moti Gitik (Tel-Aviv University) A weak generalization of SPFA to higher cardinals. continue reading…

Heike Mildenberger: The filter dichotomy and the semifilter trichotomy

Monday, April 22, 2013, 16.30 Seminar room 1.008, Mathematical Institute, University of Bonn Speaker: Heike Mildenberger (Universität Freiburg) Title: The filter dichotomy and the semifilter trichotomy continue reading…

MFO workshop in Set Theory, Oberwolfach, January 2014

These are title of the talks from the 2014 Oberwolfach meeting. Below, are some of the slides. Brendle – Rothberger gaps in analytic quotients Conley – Measurable analogs of Brooks’s theorem for graph colorings Cramer – Inverse limit reflection and generalized descriptive set theory Cummings – Combinatorics at successors of singulars Dobrinen – Progress in topological Ramsey space theory Dzamonja – Combinatorial versions of SCH Fischer – Template iterations and maximal cofinitary groups Gitik – Short extenders forcings and collapses Golshani – The effects of adding a real to models of set theory Koepke – An Easton-like Theorem for ZF Set Theory Krueger – Forcing square with finite conditions Lupini – Borel complexity and automorphisms of $C^*$-algebras Melleray – Full groups of minimal homeomorphisms and descriptive set theory Mildenberger – Specialising Aronszajn trees in a gentle way Moore – Completely proper forcing and the Continuum Hypothesis Motto Ros – On the descriptive set-theoretical complexity of the embeddability relation on uncountable models Neeman – Higher analogues of PFA Rinot – Complicated Colorings Sabok – Automatic continuity for isometry groups Sargsyan – Core Model Induction and Hod Mice Schindler – Does $\Pi^1_1$  determinacy yield 0#? continue reading…

Set Theory events in Poland, September 15-19, 2014

Thematic session in set theory at the dmv-ptm joint meeting, Workshop in set theory. Będlewo, Poznań 14-17-20.09.2014. Arrival in Będlewo – the evening of Sunday, 14.09. Workshop activities – Monday, Tuesday, 15,16.09. continue reading…

Infinity, computability, and metamathematics, May 23 -25, 2014

“Infinity, computability, and metamathematics: Celebrating the 60th birthdays of Peter Koepke and Philip Welch” In the year 2014, Peter Koepke and Philip Welch are celebrating their 60th birthdays, and we wish to celebrate this festive occasion with a scientific workshop in their honor. continue reading…

Forcing and its applications: Retrospective Workshop, March 29 – April 2, 2015

The meeting will take place at the Field Institute, 222 College Street, Toronto. About In the years 1963-1964, Paul Cohen developed the method of forcing in order to settle Cantor’s Continuum Problem.  continue reading…

Independence Results in Mathematics and Challenges in Iterated Forcing, Norwich, November 2-6 2015

Satellite Workshop 2nd November 2015 to 6th November 2015 Held at the University of East Anglia Norwich, UK Organisers: David Aspero (University of East Anglia), Joan Bagaria (Universitat de Barcelona), Mirna Dzamonja (University of East Anglia), Benedikt Loewe (Universität Hamburg) Workshop Theme Independence Results in Mathematics and Challenges in Iterated Forcing Forcing, and especially iterated forcing, is an extremely fruitful technique for proving that certain statements in mathematics are independent from ZFC, or some other base set theory. continue reading…

9th Young Set Theory Workshop, Copenhagen, June 13-17, 2016

The 9th Young Set Theory Workshop (YST 2016) will take place at the University of Copenhagen, June 13th to 17th 2016. This years tutorial speakers are Nicola Gambino, Alexander S. Kechris, Heike Mildenberger and Stevo Todorcevic. continue reading…

The 14th International Workshop on Set Theory in Luminy, October 9-13, 2017

14th International Workshop in Set Theory October 9 – 13 2017 CIRM, Luminy, Marseille Organizers: M. Dzamonja, M. Magidor, B. Velickovic, H. Woodin MONDAY, October 9 2017 MORNING 9:20 – 9:50 A. continue reading…

Novi Sad Conference in Set Theory and General Topology, Novi Sad, July 2-5, 2018

The international conference “Novi Sad Conference in Set Theory and General Topology” SETTOP 2018 that will take place from July 2nd to July 5th 2018 in Novi Sad. Confirmed invited speakers: David Asperó (Norwich) David Chodounský (Prague) Natasha Dobrinen (Denver) Vera Fischer (Vienna) Heike Mildenberger (Freiburg) Dilip Raghavan (Singapore) Philip Schlicht (Bonn) Stevo Todorčević (Toronto / Paris) Program Committee: Joan Bagaria (Barcelona) Mirna Džamonja (Norwich) Sy David Friedman (Vienna) István Juhász (Budapest) Miloš Kurilić (Novi Sad) Participants can also present short talks. continue reading…

Set theory today, Vienna, September 10-14, 2018

Set theory today: A conference in honor of Georg Cantor September 10-14, 2018 Held by the Kurt Gödel Research Center under the auspices of the European Set Theory Society   Confirmed speakers: Omer Ben Neria, UCLA. continue reading…
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