Channel: Heike Mildenberger – Set Theory Talks
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Workshop on Iterated Forcing and Large Cardinals, November 12-16, 2012

This workshop will take place at the Fields institute, as a part of the 2012 Thematic Program on Forcing and its Applications. Organizing Committee: Michal Hrusak Saharon Shelah W. Hugh Woodin Show Schedule Monday November 12 9:00-9:50 Tadatoshi Miyamoto (Nanzan University) A study of iterating semiproper forcing 10:00-10:50 David Aspero (Technische Universitaet Wien) 10:50-11:10 Coffee Break 11:10-12:00 Ralf Schindler (WWU Münster) An axiom LUNCH 15:00-15:50 Matteo Viale (University of Torino) Absoluteness of theory of 16:10-17:00 John Krueger (University of North Texas) Forcing with Models as Side Conditions Tuesday November 13 9:00-9:50 Tadatoshi Miyamoto (Nanzan University) A study of iterating semiproper forcing 10:00-10:50 Itay Neeman (University of California, Los Angeles) Higher analogs of the proper forcing axiom 10:50-11:10 Coffee Break 11:20-12:10 Moti Gitik (Tel-Aviv University) A weak generalization of SPFA to higher cardinals. continue reading…

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